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Privacy Policy

The "ARTLOGUE Secretariat" (hereinafter referred to as "the Secretariat") recognizes the importance of protecting personal information, and in order to ensure its thoroughness, we have established the following personal information protection policy to ensure that our users can use our services with peace of mind. We will do our best to make your stay available.

1. Scope of application of personal information protection policy

The privacy policy established by our office applies when you use the services provided by our office. We fully recognize and respect the importance of personal information received by our office when using our services, and we will protect it appropriately and manage it responsibly.


2. Definition of personal information

Personal information that our office protects is information that can identify an individual user (name, email address, telephone number, address, date of birth, gender, occupation, industry, etc.) or information that can be used to identify an individual by comparing it with other information. Refers to information that can be identified.


3. Respect for users' rights

When a user who is a personal information provider requests disclosure, modification, correction or erasure of self-information, or refusal of use or provision, the office will respond to the request to the maximum extent reasonable in light of social norms and practices. We respect the rights of our users and strive to accommodate them.


4. Collection and use of personal information

When our office receives personal information directly, we will clarify the purpose of its use and will not collect or use it for any purpose other than that purpose. In addition, when entrusting work that involves the processing of personal information to an external party, we also provide information regarding confidentiality, matters related to subcontracting, division of responsibility in the event of an accident, return and deletion of personal information at the end of the contract, etc. Define clearly and follow it. In providing each service, we may obtain cookies and access logs, but we will do so within an appropriate scope.


5. About information security

Our office will take necessary and appropriate security measures to prevent unauthorized access to personal information and loss, leakage, destruction, and alteration of personal information. We will also review and improve security measures as appropriate.


6. Regarding management of personal information and disclosure to third parties

Our office responsibly manages the personal information provided to us and, in principle, does not disclose or provide this information to third parties. However, the following cases are excluded. (1) When the consent of the user is obtained (2) When required by law, etc. (3) When it is necessary to protect the vital interests of the user and the public such as life, health, property, etc. (4) When entrusting personal information to a subcontractor of our office to the extent necessary for information processing, etc. (limited to cases where subcontracting is stated at the time of collecting personal information)


7. Responding to inquiries from users

We will endeavor to promptly respond to inquiries regarding the handling of personal information within a reasonable scope.


8. Regarding compliance with laws and regulations

Our office will sincerely comply with related laws and other regulations for the protection of personal information.


9. Review of personal information protection policy

Our office constantly reviews our personal information protection policy and strives to improve the handling and management of personal information.


10. Revision of this policy

We plan to revise it from time to time in line with changes in laws and regulations. In the event of revision, we will notify you on our office page and clearly indicate the date of the last revision. Regarding our office's personal information protection


established July 15, 2016

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