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For Companies and Governments

Would you like to aim for a better society together with us?

What ARTLOGUE can help you with

To date, we have cooperated with art museums in 47 prefectures and many artists, etc., with the aim of solving social issues and creating new social businesses that utilize art. I've been active.

Taking full advantage of ARTLOGUE's network and know-how, we provide a wide range of services to companies and governments, including banner advertising, creating tie-up articles through art, hosting events, and dispatching artists to training programs. I have received it.

Service list

◯ Planning and creation of tie-up articles
◯ Creating interviews and articles
◯ Graphic design such as advertising
◯ Recording video shooting, internet distribution
◯ Promotional video production
◯ Owned media development
◯ Various site construction


◯ Smartphone application development
◯ Content planning and production
◯ Product planning and production
◯ Crowdfunding business
◯ Event planning and production
◯ Inviting artists
◯ Other cultural and artistic projects

If you are interested, please feel free to contact us using the form below, even if it is just an idea.

We are looking forward to working with you to create a better society.


This is the inquiry form for ARTLOGUE. 
The person in charge will get back to you, so please fill out the form and send it to us.

Thank you for sending

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